Saturday, July 3, 2010


The Yard Bauble

It is Saturday morning and we are sitting at Trent's in front of the TV watching Germany dismantle Argentina in the World Cup quarterfinals. Yesterday morning we got up at Erma and Ron's place in Los Osos and watched the Netherlands knock out Brazil. (Yay!) We said our goodbyes and headed south. It took us 8 hours to get to San Diego. Apparently there is no way to avoid LA congestion unless you drive in the middle of the night. Anyway, we are here and will not drive much for 2 days. And, its been great to be able to fit soccer viewing into our schedule.

Pictured above is our yard bauble. We acquired it from our friend Louie in Corvallis. It was made by an acquaintance of hers. It is constructed of 2nd hand glassware - kitschy and fun. When we got to Los Osos on Wednesday it needed some repair. Ron not only fixed it but embellished it with even more found items on the top. Who knows what it might look like by the time we get home at the end of August!

Just like the bauble, Rob and I are getting fixed and embellished on this trip. The freedom and adventure of the road are restoring our souls. The people we are connecting and reconnecting with are embellishing our lives.

We have seen some beautiful country. I am so grateful for the gift of this trip. The hospitality of our hosts and the conversations we've engaged in have made our first week rich. We are so very fortunate to have wonderful people in our lives.

Some of those wonderful people are taking care of our house, yard, cat and hens. Thank you Sarah, Jamie, Michelle, Heather and Verne. You are the reason we can let go of any concerns about home. I'm glad to see that summer weather is coming your way next week!

We are looking forward to some San Diego city fun. Then, we leave on Monday morning for five days of natural beauty - Joshua Tree to the Four Corners - on our way to more friends in Santa Fe and Albuquerque.

Happy 4th of July.



Michelle said...

So happy that you're both having a great time, and able to fully relax into the trip! The girls are doing just great. Did some re-seeding of the garden (posted the 'plan' on the blog) and waiting for that sun! have fun this weekend.

Susan Eberhart said...

I like your yard bauble. I have one titled a Garden Sparkler, which is exactly what it looks like. It's fun dressing up the outside of the house as well as the inside.
I hope your visit with Trent was comforting. I know he's received some dreadful news. I think of you all as a triumverate, and I wish you all well.
XO Susan